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  • Address: Opp. VIMS Main Gate, Plot No: 56, Veterinary Colony Vishalakshi Nagar, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • Name: Dr. Sudha's MAX CURE  HEALTH CENTRE
  • Mobile: 9676213725
  • Website:


Dr. Naga Sudha is the chief founding director, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at our clinic, with over 7 years of reliable clinical experience in treating PCOD/PCOS, fibroids, infertility issues, and handling high-risk pregnancies and life-threatening diseases. She has an impeccable reputation as one of the most renowned gynaecologists with sound principles and splendid educational background. She is an alumnus of the esteemed Andhra Medical College and Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences. With her immense knowledge and proven experience in reproductive medicine, prevention of cervical cancer, and treating infertility cases, she is focused predominantly on providing the right treatment and heathcare for women. Dr. Naga Sudha is on a mission to improve the reproductive health of women in Vizag. With a Gold medal in Gynaecology and her diligent participation in several workshops on Fetal medicine, USG in Obstetrics, colposcopy, and instrumental delivery, she has been working ardently towards eradicating infertility issues. She has treated over 1000 patients successfully so far, garnering recognition as the most efficient gynaecologist in the City of destiny.

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