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Telangana Songs


All people’s group has its moments of poetic and literary motivation, and the Telangana demonstration is no exemption. Certainly, the poets and singers have not only lent power to the movement but have also taken literature of Telugu into new directions. Communal character shaped by traditions, customs, practices and ways of life bring an emphatic component into the political battle of a specific group. It picks up quality from history and normal memory. Tying down oneself to history gives an uncertain individual or groups a feeling of having a place and seeks after what's to come. Case in point, the Indian national development and the Andhra patriot development (andhrodyamamu) both had solid social segments. Correspondingly, the Telangana renaissance amid the primary many years of twentieth century had a staggering social expression.


Indian individuality was built in a manner that India had an awesome brilliant time in early history and a dull period in the medieval hundreds of years. Indian individuality got to be about resuscitating past grandness. What's more, the Andhras of Madras Presidency revealed their own particular symbols and propelled themselves with stories of the immense Vijayanagara Empire and its world of writers. And after that, the Telangana of the Nizam's state woke into the cutting edge time attempting to locate its own history. Amid the Nizam's standard, Telangana was a Telugu-talking region in a multi-lingual state confronting disregard and denigration.


Image result for gaddar

Image : Outlook India



Curiously, this battle was basically in view of dialect, while the battles in post-freedom and post-unification period have generally been about territorial independence. As a geological region, Telangana needs to be a different managerial unit. As a social substance, it is hunting down its own particular maxim.


The development which emitted to accomplish these objectives attempted to make expressions that were one of a kind, particular and geo-socially particular. Despite the fact that the meaning of territorial personalities is as yet developing, a working clarification can be given to the expression "provincial character"— as a build of geo-particular and social expression that repudiates and rejects past personality, which has surfaced or reemerged especially amid the most recent two decades.


These characters developed or proceeded with in light of the fact that dialect based personalities neglected to bring together the speakers of a specific dialect. Fundamentally, all recently surfaced personalities are conceived of the disappointments of past characters.


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Image : Youtube.com


The developments that sprang up amid amidst the twentieth century were for the most part dialect national. Developments for the etymological rearrangement of states were additionally called provincial yet they were truly gone for separating out of date multi-lingual pilgrim structures. The present territorial goals could be called sub-national, attempting to piece the dialect nationality developed by before developments.


Consequently, the talk of more current variants of provincial characters are more vocal and basic than the "characterized" others. A different character need not be a separatist personality. The qualification and uniqueness of a specific populace can be summoned and united in socio-social fields alone without physical or political detachment.


In Andhra Pradesh, be that as it may, Telangana is seeking after the alternative of political division, despite the fact that the two other "underestimated" areas, Rayalaseema and Uttara Andhra, are not sharp about it. In any case, they too are building a parochial sub-provincial personality; just it is through various means.


Writing is, as a matter of course, a dynamic member in every one of these procedures. Telangana was never accommodated with the merger with the British-directed Andhra area which converged with Telangana to frame Andhra Pradesh in 1956. It can't be said they were alright with each other even in the principal decade. There was not kidding resistance to Visaalaandhra (brought together Andhra Pradesh) notwithstanding amid the development.


In Andhra Pradesh, in any case, Telangana is looking for after the option of political separation, in spite of the way that the two other "minimized" areas, Rayalaseema and Uttara Andhra, are not sharp about it. In any case, they too are building up a parochial sub-nearby character; just it is through different means.


Telangana was constantly fearful. The new rulers would not have had a strategy to proper Telangana assets yet they unquestionably thought about the advantages they could press out of this new course of action. So Telangana was asking uncomfortable inquiries at each progression even in the main decade. In any case, the time had not come. Indira Gandhi's nationalistic dictatorship assumed a noteworthy part in stifling the 1969 development.


It must be renewed, in1995, and this time there was no doing a reversal. It has developed into a gigantic development. Maybe the conditions were correct, given that Telugu character kept on being cracked even following four decades, and given that change was the mantra, as it cleared over the world in the decade of globalization.


No matter what the complete story, they have raised a storm wind that has conveyed the Telangana development to the fore at the end of the day, this opportunity to the backup of a scholarly and social restoration remarkable ever. Telangana's imagination, until then lethargic or ignored, has all of a sudden discovered its renaissance.


For any character development the meaning of self and other is significant. All personality developments are perpetually conceived from before character developments. Also, Telangana is an offspring of the Telugu personality development amid the Nizam's standard. That development depended on dialect, Telangana depends on topography. The dialect and social specifics are additionally taking into account land territory. Still, it is a character development too an interest for a different state.


After Telugu Desam came to control in 1983, things changed quickly.  The TDP's trademark of Telugu sense of pride prompted enormously expanded movement. All the business and social interests until then dug in Chennai moved to Hyderabad. Relocation to Telangana turned out to be a piece of government strategy. In the mean time, the conventional agribusiness of Telangana lay in vestiges. It was this mix of profound emergency and hardship that brought normal issues and basic goals into center for the whole rustic group in Telangana. An outside adversary was distinguished and on that premise solidarity manufactured. Recollections of a magnificent past (either fanciful or genuine), sentimentality for lost employments and trust in a brilliant future together acquired turmoil Telangana pretty much as it happened amid the national development.


It was the writers who initially perceived these tensions. They were the first to expound on became scarce lakes, vanishing occupations, pitiable states of ranchers, travails of movement, changes in atmosphere, vanishing aggregate life, and so on. In spite of the fact that they were all the while composing on the risks of globalization, their center moved from the general to end up increasingly Telangana-particular.


By 1997-98 they had clarity about what they were trying for. Prior to that, they were voyaging unwittingly towards regionalism, which in itself would make an intriguing study. Being acquainted with Telengana's ground reality they could propose certain things. The vital idea they had advanced, though in a roundabout way, is that Telangana is a development about nearby control over neighborhood assets and the answer or answer for globalization lies in localization alone.


The development has brought forth many artists and authors. Much before it took political institutional structure, the journalists demonstrated the way. The Telangana Sanskritika Samakhya was framed in 1998 and Telangana Rachayitala Vedika in 2001. These associations made a system and to propel essayists for the cause.


Aside from new era artists who entered simply after the restart in 1995, various more established writers too underlined their dedication. These incorporate Varavararao, synonymous with the progressive abstract development in Telugu, Pervaaram Jagannaatham and Kovela Suprasanna, who wrote in backing of Telangana statehood and character.


With respect to the others, Nandini Sidha Reddy, Sunkireddi Narayanareddy, Gudihalam Raghunatham, Afsar, Jayadheer Tirumalarao, Allam Narayana, Jukanti Jagannatham, Juluru Gowri Shankar, Vemula Yellaiah, Anisetti Rajitha have additionally conveyed the mantle of verse from prior dynamic developments. Siddhartha, Darbhasayanam Srinivasacharya, Annavaram Devender, Skybaba, Maddela Santaiai, Belli Yadaiah, Jupaka Subhadra, Gogu Shyamala are names that surfaced in the most recent two decades.


A large portion of these poets claim different characters as well and compose as needs be. They have included a Telangana common laborers figure of speech and Dalit-Bahujan flavor to Telugu verse. The sentimentality for lost social practices, life, tongue, and so on, makes Telangana verse particular.


Amid the developmental years of the Telangana personality development, writing experienced a renaissance. The accompanying inclinations can be found in Telangana writing amid 1995-2000. These have been solidified into the principle branches of Telangana writing amid a later period.


Generally in free verse: Assertion of a feeling of having a place, wildly withdrawing "itself" from past character and purporting the partition of personalities.


Research Movement: Sense of chronicled pride, accumulating Telangana writings was neglected, unpreserved and undervalued.


Feedback and true to life writing: Rewriting the historical backdrop of Telugu writing joining Telangana's commitments, addressing bigger procedures like globalization and corporatisation.


The artistic development has roused much research by youthful researchers. K Jitendra Babu, Sangisetti Srinivas, Sunkireddi Narayanareddi, G Balasrinivasa Murthy, Mudiganti Sujatha Reddy have done extraordinary work in discovery Telangana abstract history.


Sangisetti Srinivas' book Shabnavees points of interest a different and one of a kind history of the Telangana Press. Another work, Dastrum, lists Telangana authors' stories up to 1956.


The gathering, aggregation and distribution of overlooked Telangana authors' works are going ahead bigly now. Telangana specialists have additionally advanced Telangana abstract feedback.


The Telangana personality development has in this way uncovered a huge number of pages of old messages and prompted a surge in distribution. Various old journalists have been re-assessed and restored in Telugu abstract history. All the surely understood books on the historical backdrop of writing, collections, and aggregations of short stories have been investigated to show how unbalanced Telangana representation is in Telugu writing.


Until 2000 Telangana's verse was pre-possessed with its own distress; not making a big deal about the "others". There was more self indulgence than indignation in these ballads, more powerlessness than militancy. It was a verbalization of the times. That is the reason it reverberated all through Telangana, in a large number of hearts quietly enduring the same pain.


Once more, it was the artists who initially perceived that individuals were searching for a political arrangement. Aside from a couple people groups' associations subsidiary to progressive developments and a couple of scholarly gatherings, it was the artists and authors who initially redesigned for this reason.


The move from Telangana writer to Telanganavada (Telanganism) artist was simple. Progressive tune and writing verse loaned its voice to Telangana initially. Later, obviously, it discovered its own particular voice and type. Every one of the general population who avoided dynamic, progressive governmental issues till then, met their old companions at the junction of Telangana. Progressively, the Dalit and minority developments likewise contributed. They brought their one of a kind social viewpoint into the provincial character figure of speech, advancing Telangana writing all the while.


As Telangana expression is more provincial, vernacular based and authentic, tune turned into the type of imaginative expression. Gorati Venkanna, lyricist-artist entertainer, stands first in communicating Telangana's desolation and soul in politically adept structure. In spite of the fact that his starting points were in left-wing legislative issues, his region based, local expression made him the pioneer in Telangana character tunes. He effectively romanticized the past and portrayed the present misery in his melodies. Unexpectedly, his popular melody "palle kanneeru pedutondo" (The town is sobbing) was captured by the Congress party in the 2004 decision further bolstering its good fortune. Ande Sri, who penned the national melody for Telangana, Gooda Anjaiah, likewise a left-winger, Jayaraj, past exchange unionist, are a portion of the scores of lyricists who have made the Telangana cause their own. Nandini Sidha Reddy, a well known free verse artist has additionally penned a couple of melodies that have ended up famous.


Tune remains the uncrowned ruler, composition verse an unmistakable second. Maybe the way that there is no all around characterized present day white collar class in Telangana, and that whatever is there, is still appended to its country agrarian roots makes the verse composed by its artists verging on like an exposition tune.


Perhaps it's unrealistic to compose telangavada verse in advanced test style! It might be nothing unexpected to hear that the couple of test works have originated from untouchables. In any case, on the off chance that we trust the exposition ballad is the present day white collar class' lovely expression and that the absence of such a class in Telangana has influenced this structure, how would we clarify the multitudinous educational and scientific articles that have turned out amid the Telangana development? They contend with verse in clarifying and engendering telanganavadam. What does that propose? Shouldn't something be said about the colossal exploration work going ahead in Telangana? What does that demonstrate?


In a development where there is such a great amount of degree for scholarly movement, where such a variety of intelligent people are approaching to take an interest effectively, is it not intriguing that tune remains the pioneer of artistic expression? This is something that should be investigated further. The same remains constant of the telanganavada story too. There is very little to say in regards to short stories in Telangana abstract development as they are so few in number. What are the explanations behind this?


There were two noteworthy advancements around the year 2000. After the notorious Basheerbagh shooting (where police terminated upon individuals dissenting against force changes) resistance to the Telugu Desam Party started to develop. In 2001, the Telangana Rashtra Samiti party—TRS—was shaped only to achieve Telangana. It turned into the beginning stage for an ideological war. Numerous Andhra political pioneers and scholars, who had at no other time wrangled about their Telangana partners in social, artistic matters and on development stages, began voicing their sentiments after the new party appeared, denouncing numerous parts of the Telangana development.


For quite a while, telanganavadam turned into a festival of mammoth social occasions. Assorted qualities in social structures continued expanding. Bathakamma (a selective ladies' celebration amid September-October) turned into an image of Telangana sense of pride.  The improvements prior and then afterward TRS supremo K Chandrasekhara Rao's craving strike in 2009, the enthusiastic and ideological arrangements of a whole decade made individuals turn out for direct activity. The verse of this decade mirrors every one of these advancements. The tone and tenor has changed. Forceful, activist and eager expression rules the verse. This overflowing started genuine civil argument in artistic areas of the media.  The development has brought forth many artists and scholars. Much before it took political institutional structure, the authors demonstrated the way. The Telangana Sanskritika Samakhya was shaped in 1998 and Telangana Rachayitala Vedika in 2001. 


Union home pastor P Chidambaram's announcement on a different state on December 9, 2009, was an event for general triumph. His next explanation pulling back it on December 23 filled activists with a hopelessness that soon transformed into a fuming rage. It joined Telangana more than ever. Neutrals too bounced into the quarrel with a do-or-bite the dust state of mind.


The self-immolations are an immediate aftereffect of this urgency. Maybe at no other time in free India have such a large number of youngsters taken their lives for a political cause. They did this to express their powerful urge for a different state furthermore to highlight what they saw as the beguiling disposition the Union government. Telangana verse has been especially dynamic in these years; verging on equivalent to its yield of the initial ten years. Numerous terrible occurrences happened amid this period, testing the writer to adapt to present circumstances, which he did.


The issue of a Hyderabad free zone, KCR's appetite strike, Srikanthaachari's self-immolation, December 9, December 23, Osmania University developing as the capital of the development, police suppression of understudies, proceeded with suicides, arrangement of the Srikrishna Committee, YS Jagan's voyage through Manukota, the 6th suggestion of the Srikrishna report, the eighth part of the same report, the million walk, decimation of statues on Tankbund—all these upset the writer and made him compose lavishly.


Telanganavada verse has brought about numerous splendid exposition lyrics and some great long ballads. Their pictures of provincial and agrarian life should be inspected against the setting of the personality development. Telangana verse is provincial, more so than progressive verse. However, it is likewise genuine that we see numerous powerless and unacceptable expressions. Some of them are ideological pontifications without even an affectation at verse.


In any case, while the reality of the matter is that every one of them are not of the same bore, they have their own place ever. The way of the development, which is surcharged with feeling, has guaranteed this.


The "Mathadi" and "Pokkili" arrangements 10 years prior at the earliest reference point of the resurrection satisfied the prerequisite of that period. Sonnets of the most recent 12 years are being chosen for aggregation into another compilation "Munum", which is inevitable.


The Telangana development is frequently portrayed as an awesome festival of personality. Going full speed ahead, it seemed like a marathon social execution. Telangana is a case of how character legislative issues are best communicated through workmanship and writing.





With a finger-tip touch, flower drops
The dropped flower tells us
How wicked he is
With the tread of foot
The flow of stream at once breaks
Every sand grain in the stream narrates
How vicious he is
Our experience has been telling us
How rude the forehead of
A hundred-tongued man is
What of sparrows?
A handful of seed itself is a veritable feast
Tracing out
And love-trap
Is the biggest test at present!
The seven-storied dream
At once collapses
On his perching
What of mind?
Just to the magic gossip it puffs up
Spotting out
And muddy pond
Is the skill of the time
He is
A peacock plume
With a thousand cacti concealed inside
He exploited
The lands of many
Locating his territory
Is the test of time
Tracing out his head is still a severe test!

– Nandini Sidha Reddy
Translated by: T. Sharath Babu


Grief of the Crow
The beat of your rusted heart
Is inaudible even to me
Can you listen to the songs
In the rhythms of blood?
Were you deceived?
Do the sufferings, ejaculated due to
Snapping of tenet-strings
Close their eyes?
Tears frozen in the ledge
The piece of meat fallen from dreams
Are bitter…bitter…bitter
Shattered, with the way melting?
Whom to love?
The times of breath exhaled by two bodies
Be set on fire.
Deceit, yours and mine
The deceit of ours, known to all.
Shaken by the disquiet of conviction?
Don’t ask me with which saw
The spine has slashed itself.
The entire language is a termite.
In fact, all this will vanish
Life is only a huge wound.
Am I audible at least now?
Creeping over reminiscences of food
A caterpillar I am.
One half, tears
Death is only the other half
The collapsed first silence of a sufferer.
As of now
Nothing is heard.


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